
Natalie Baker - Senior Session: 2.16.13

It was so much fun doing a senior session for Natalie!  As you can see she is beautiful, and was up for anything, even laying down on railroad tracks. :) It was hard to narrow it down, so get ready for lots of pictures below!  Congratulations Natalie - Class of 2013.  (I just realized how long ago my senior year was, this year marks ten years! Getting old over here... lol) 


Sarrah D. said...

So Beautiful. Love the "dreamy eyed" shots.

hg said...

These are GORGEOUS pictures of a BEAUTIFUL young lady!

Had to get out the calculator over here to figure out this year marks my 30 year high school graduation anniversary. **cough** ahem - somebody is getting old, sure glad it's not me!!!

Congratulations Natalie!!!